Coastal Connections

St Philip's Christian College - Gosford

Ashleigh Heather Crutcher

"Three quilted wall hangings form a panoramic image inspired by the natural Australian landscape and the connection between the coast and the bush."

Images of Work

"Rust Dyeing is a contemporary technique that has contributed to the design and manufacture of my Major Textiles Project (MTP). I included handmade rust dyeing for the bark of trees and, for the rocks. The rust dyeing process gave the effect of graining and colour variation that is represented in rocks and tree bark; and a successful way of highlighting the characteristics and colours of the native Australian landscape. This technique added to the overall success of my MTP."

"Rocky outcrops are a major feature of the Coastline. I was able to successfully recreate the undulating nature of these outcrops by using the Trapunto technique as a surface decoration. This stitching technique allowed the presentation of the rock platforms to come alive and be seen in 3D when looking at my Major Textiles Project."

Select Student Folio Pages

The pages selected for each project reflect the individual students' interpretations of the syllabus guidelines for the MTP. Each student should develop their folio according to the guidelines, relating to their own individual project. This may result in a variety of presentation styles, numbers of sketches and/or experiments.