Images of Work
"Felt is featured in the book for the tree foliage and trunks as it created a three-dimensional sensory experience for the reader. The wool was sourced from a local sheep farm and carefully selected colours were used to depict the natural and varied colours of the Australian landscape. Once the felt was produced it was trimmed and pulled to form the desired shape."
"Strips of material were strategically placed and appliqued as the foundation and background of each page. This sets the scene and mood for each part of the story, portrayed through the colours chosen. Shades of green set the scene of a lush landscape and gradually fade to dull shades of grey at the end of the book, portraying a lifeless concrete jungle existence."
Select Student Folio Pages
The pages selected for each project reflect the individual students' interpretations of the syllabus guidelines for the MTP. Each student should develop their folio according to the guidelines, relating to their own individual project. This may result in a variety of presentation styles, numbers of sketches and/or experiments.